Digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing

These strategies are a set of planned and practical actions that help you achieve your desired business goals. In fact, through a series of in-depth and specialized analyzes in your field of work, we achieve strategies that will give you the best position in the competitive business market. In this area, by analyzing a wide range of customers, potential abilities, current media, advertising measures carried out and their results, the state of the business market as well as the fierce competitors of this market, we obtain information based on which we can design a written plan for progress and We will promote your market comprehensively. Depending on the information extracted, this program can include tools such as collaborative marketing, email marketing, social network marketing or their optimization, content marketing, search engine optimization or marketing in this field, etc.

After designing and choosing personalized strategies for your business, we will be with you step by step in the implementation of these strategies to achieve the best possible result.

Today, with the rapid growth of technology, as well as the high access of the public to the Internet and, most importantly, the enthusiasm for activities in the virtual space, a new type of marketing has emerged in addition to traditional marketing, which is called digital marketing. We know. Digital marketing has quickly filled its gap with traditional marketing and even surpassed it in competition; It has even gone so far that if a business is not present in the digital space and the Internet today, it will not achieve significant success and even jeopardize its reputation. Today, traditional marketing is not booming either, but this type of marketing is only done to announce the presence and not to lose former customers, and it does not have a significant effect on attracting new audiences and creating more popularity.

Rapid development of technology

In fact, digital marketing is a set of programs and activities performed through any electronic device connected to the Internet, which is done in order to raise awareness of the brand, improve business processes, and increase sales.

Strategy and tactics

Strategy may seem like a scary word at first, but it can be simply defined as: a focused and achievable set of activities and plans that will lead you to your set goals. A strategy in any field has three basic parts. These three parts are for you to be able to identify the business problem; Plan a general plan to deal with that problem; and take targeted actions to achieve that plan. In your marketing strategy, you determine a comprehensive plan that can be measured, analyzed and achieved to achieve your business goals. Through your marketing strategy, you will analyze all the actions taken, the potentials in the collection, as well as the neglected ones, and thus you will draw the best path to success.

Digital marketing strategy is effective for all businesses in any field, but it is different depending on the type of your business, the goals set, your target market and audience, the needs of the audience, etc. In fact, it can be said that every business has its own unique digital marketing strategy. Therefore, you should check all the mentioned factors through a comprehensive review and finally determine the best platform and marketing channel, content program, etc. For example, every digital channel is not suitable for the marketing of all businesses; If you run an educational institution, you may not have any use for Pinterest, except when you want to share an interesting infographic about your business. If you don’t understand your advertising needs, you’ve wasted your efforts.

Comprehensive definition of digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing

Today, with the rapid growth of technology and the high access of the public to the Internet, and most importantly, I got enthusiasm and passion for working in the virtual space, it has led to the emergence of a new type of marketing in addition to traditional marketing, which is called digital marketing. We know. Digital marketing has quickly filled its gap with traditional marketing and even surpassed it in competition; It has even gone so far that if a business is not present in the digital space and the Internet today, it will not achieve significant success and even jeopardize its reputation. Today, traditional marketing is not booming either, but this type of marketing is only done to announce the presence and not to lose former customers, and it does not have a significant effect on attracting new audiences and creating more popularity. In fact, digital marketing is a set of programs and activities carried out through any electronic device connected to the Internet, which is done in order to raise awareness of the brand, improve business processes, increase sales, etc.

When referring to traditional marketing, we can refer to media such as newspapers, television, radio, magazines, telephone sales, billboards and banners, etc. Traditional marketing methods are thoroughly researched, proven, accessible to local audiences, etc. As a result, this type of marketing is still popular and used. But on the other hand, digital marketing fills the gaps in traditional marketing. For example, digital marketing provides the possibility of interaction and direct communication with the audience, its costs are lower and the audience has more access to its advertising space; This type of marketing limits geographical boundaries and is completely adjustable and re-modifiable. Therefore, based on the goals set for the business, the intended budget for marketing, as well as the target audience, you can adopt mixed strategies and use both marketing methods to advance your goals.

Digital marketing strategy

According to the definition of strategy that we provided, the most comprehensive definition that can be given for digital marketing strategy is that it is a set of planned actions in digital marketing channels to bring your business to the set goals. In digital marketing, in order to determine the strategy, it is possible to analyze the actions taken and the media under control, as well as to assess the needs of the collection, and by relying on the existing potential and the results of the analysis of the actions taken and planning for the needs of the collection, the final business strategies can be reached.

Digital marketing strategy is effective for all businesses in any field, but it is different depending on the type of your business, the goals set, your target market and audience, the needs of the audience, etc. In fact, it can be said that every business has its own unique digital marketing strategy. Therefore, you should check all the mentioned factors through a comprehensive review and finally determine the best platform and marketing channel, content program, etc. For example, every digital channel is not suitable for the marketing of all businesses; If you run an educational institution, you may not have any use for Pinterest, except when you want to share an interesting infographic about your business. If you don’t understand your advertising needs, you’ve wasted your efforts.

Strategy and tactics

Strategies VS Tactics

Despite the fact that in many cases strategy and tactics are used interchangeably, we must note that these two terms are completely different. A strategy is a set of plans that help you achieve your set goals, but tactics are a set of actions that are taken to advance your strategies or plans and get you to your goals. Tactics are actually the specific steps you take to implement your strategies. For example, you may launch a campaign on Twitter to attract an audience in this marketing channel. In this case, this campaign is your tactic to achieve your strategy of attracting more audience on Twitter channel.

What is the necessity of digital marketing?

We need planning in all stages of our life. If we know what purpose we have for each small step in life and what principles we take this step according to, we will definitely be successful in reaching the goal. Our business is also a part of our life and all these steps are true for business as well. In the digital marketing part of our business, if we have a strategy and in fact a detailed plan, we take all our steps based on the established principles, we stay away from disorder, the work units move in full coordination, and this all-round coordination and order is out of sight. The sharp audience will not be far away.

What is the necessity of digital marketing?

For example, if we don’t have a regular content schedule, it won’t stay away from the customer’s eyes, and during an irregular content publishing schedule, the customer will move away from us and we will be forgotten. In addition to having a strategy for your business, having a correct analysis of where we are on the road, what is the peak of our business, and comparing these two positions is very important. In fact, in order to have a suitable strategy, you must be able to determine your position, your future position, and in fact, the needs you have to reach from your current position to your final destination, so that you can have the best possible planning and strategy. Therefore, the strategy of each business is unique to that business depending on the type of business, its current location and destination, and its goals. The strategies that are prepared according to the aforementioned principles have advantages that we will discuss further.

How to design your digital marketing strategy

1) Creating order and determining the work process (Workflow)
2) Full introduction and visibility of your brand
3) Creating a scientific process and path based on analyzes by using your useful experiences or digital marketing experts and not by relying on your instincts and feelings.
4) Alignment of marketing and sales or service delivery goals
5) Alignment of all work elements towards the vision of the company
6) Analyzes before determining the strategy allow you to fully understand the audience.
7) If digital marketing has a correct and optimal strategy despite being less expensive than traditional marketing in many cases, we will still see a reduction in costs and avoid rework.

8) In case of correct analysis and formulation of the correct strategy, in many cases the return on investment will be faster than the traditional market.
9) The right strategy will provide you with the possibility of easy competition in search engines with other colleagues.
10) The results obtained from the right strategy can always be measured. This will help you to keep the strategy if it is effective and invest more in it, or in case of a low yield of a strategy, go back to the beginning and revise it and modify it quickly.

Now, with a detailed understanding of the advantages of having a strategy in digital marketing, it is better to address the issue of what problems may arise in the way of our business if we do not have a strategy in this way:

1) Your company and employees will remain aimless:

Companies that have no strategy and basically no online goals have no direction to follow in cyberspace; They miss the opportunities to get to know and attract new audiences in this field; They lose the possibility of establishing a deep and intimate relationship with their audience; Also, they cannot evaluate goals that do not exist and are not written down and plan for the future of the company as well as possible.

2) You lose your online market share:

Considering the wide and ever-increasing changes in the behavior of customers, competitors and marketing, if we have no plan to research the demand of our audience and actually ignore them; not to be familiar with the current knowledge of digital marketing and its latest changes and methods; And if we don’t know the pulse of the market and its trends, we can’t have a basic plan for our business and as a result we won’t have a correct strategy, and because of this, competitors can easily take our share of the digital and online market, and nowhere else in this market. We will not have

3) You do not have a special online offer to present:

Determining the right strategy makes us always have a new offer to present and get out of the monotony. If we can introduce these offers to our audience in the best way and according to the strategy, they will be attracted to us, easily understand our offers and become loyal to us. This update will also help your search engine ranking and SEO. But if you don’t have a strategy to provide special offers and updates, you will be deprived of all these good results and your abandoned site will also be penalized by the search engine.

4) Waste of your money and time:

If you don’t have a strategy that matches your goals, you may spend all the resources you have in the wrong ways and even lose your time.

5) Failure to optimize the work site:

Usually, the first step that is taken in any digital marketing strategy is to improve the site’s condition and optimize it, and as a result, get a good ranking from the search engine. If you cannot have a strategy and neglect the first steps, there will be no hope for the remaining steps and key actions such as marketing in social networks or content marketing. And …

How to design your digital marketing strategy?

Now that you are familiar with all aspects of digital marketing strategy and its importance and necessity for any business, you may have this question: how can you plan a digital marketing strategy? We are here to accompany you step by step in designing your digital marketing strategy.

How to design your digital marketing strategy

1) What are your ultimate goals and main demand from digital marketing?

The goals you expect for digital marketing should be goals in line with your business goals. For example, to achieve a 30% increase in business profitability, you should include the goal of a 40% increase in site audience in your digital marketing strategies. In fact, determine what measures and plans for digital marketing you need to consider in order to achieve your business goals. Whatever your goal is, it should have characteristics that make it possible to plan and achieve it. In the following, we will examine these characteristics:

A) specific and precise:

The goal should be so defined and precise that all people involved in the project can easily understand it.

b) can be measured:

Your goal must be measurable in all aspects. You should be able to measure and announce the amount of achievement, the time frame of the goal realization and other factors related to the goal.

c) be achievable:

You should be able to set a goal in accordance with the resources, budget, tools and other factors that you currently have or have the ability to provide, and not a goal that you are unable to achieve for any reason.

c) be realistic:

Achieving the set goal should be believable in proportion to your current position.

e) have a specific time frame:

You should be able to set a time frame to reach your goals according to your current conditions and facilities.

Know your audience personas

2) Get to know the persona of your audience:

A persona is a clear, general and hypothetical image of a person that depicts his characteristics, needs, thought pattern and behavior. This image is obtained through surveys, effective interactions and research. For any type of marketing, first of all, you need to know who you are marketing to and who is your target market and audience?! According to the persona of your audience, you can understand who will be your customers and you can plan the best possible strategy according to their characteristics. Depending on the business you have, you must have information such as age, occupation, income, etc., so that you can meet the needs of your customers.

In general, by having a clear and detailed persona of your customers, you can understand the issues and problems that you have the ability to solve and finally respond to them with appropriate planning; Get to know your customers as much as possible and be able to communicate with them effectively and create a sense of belonging, trust and loyalty in them as much as possible; And you can also offer solutions to customers so that they can make the most and best use of your services in every category and spectrum they are in. In general, we need the following information to develop a suitable persona:

Qualitative data or psychology

A) Purpose:

First of all, you should be able to find the purpose of the audience to communicate with you. In fact, you should know exactly what the customer is looking for, what he expects from you. If you can target according to the customer’s needs and make your own plan and strategy, Bitsherin will follow the reception.

b) Challenge:

You should be able to check what challenges the audience is facing to communicate with you. What risks does he see in buying from you? If you can recognize these challenges and build trust in this direction, it will definitely lead to very satisfactory results.

c) hobbies and interests:

Look for interests in your customers that match your business. For example, if you offer a mobile phone brand, you should know whether your customers are interested in detailed and practical information about your brand and plan your content accordingly.

d) Priorities:

Knowing your customers’ preferences will help you invest in the same audience that has a preference that aligns with your values.
To get this information, you can talk more with your customers and target audience. And also get this information from sellers or after-sales service employees.

Quantitative or demographic information

You should be able to obtain information such as age, position, relative income, place of residence, etc. of the audience. Tools like Google Analytics will help you in this field.

A) Position:

You can use web analysis tools such as Google Analytics to find out where the main traffic of your site comes from.

b) Age:

By knowing the age range of your audience, you can plan to present your products, services, offers and even content according to the age ranges and tendencies of each.

c) Income:

Since usually people are not interested in sharing such information, it is better to receive this range of information in person.

d) Job title:

This type of information is mostly used for brands that have institutional sales and can provide you with a general idea of your audience.

3) Analyzing and choosing channels for digital marketing

You should be able to find the right media for your promotional campaigns based on your goals, target audience persona, and budget. If your media are clear and you have a general picture of each one, you can formulate their management strategies and your advertising much more easily. In general, the media are divided into three categories: personal or individual media, acquired media, and paid media or paid media, which we will discuss further.

Analysis and selection of channels for digital marketing

A) Personal media (Owned Media)

Personal media is media that you fully own and control. In fact, these media belong to your business. These media include your work site, social networks, work email, and blog. Personal media are media that you have full ownership and control over. In fact, these media belong to your business. These media include your work site, social networks, work email and your blog.
Acquired media

B) Earned Media

Acquired media is the advertising that you get through public relations activities (PR), word of mouth advertising, feedback from satisfied customers, positive points of view, mentioning your name or bringing an article about you in a magazine (analytical column, news and …) or press like this and … you do. In fact, you delegate the trouble of advertising to others without paying for it and only by performing your duties in the best way. In fact, being the best is the best advertisement.

c) paid media

Paid media is the media that will advertise for you in exchange for payment. These media include Google Ads, social media posts and ads, ad reportage, banner ads, matched ads, sponsored posts on other sites, etc.
To get a clear picture of all the media available to you, make a list of all of them. Depending on your media potential as well as the strategy you set for your media, you may use any of the media or a combination of them.

4) Analysis of competitors

One of the most important steps you should take to determine your digital marketing strategy is competitor analysis. If you can analyze them properly, take advantage of their trial and error, and analyze their failures and successes, you can determine the best possible plan for your digital marketing strategy.

5) Give job descriptions to your team members

To achieve digital marketing goals as soon as possible and with less trouble, you should get help from experts in this field. If we have long-term goals and broad vision in this way, we definitely need an energetic and experienced team.

6) Plan for search engine marketing

Marketing through search engines requires factors such as strong and specialized website design, specialized SEO of the site, regular activity, premium content production, use of keywords, click ads, etc. In this way, you can increase the traffic of your site and other media to the highest rate.

7) Create a content plan

In the first steps of preparing the content plan, you should be able to identify the content that is suitable, needed and desired by the audience based on the persona of the audience, as well as the media that we should publish it, and based on that, create a written strategy for marketing through content. do. Content production is an essential element in digital marketing strategy. This plan should include things such as the purpose of content production, required titles, content structure and media in which we intend to share the content.

Analysis and selection of channels for digital marketing

8) Plan for social media marketing

According to the published statistics of the daily participation rate of people in social networks and its daily increase, marketing in this platform has become one of the main and efficient sub-branches of digital marketing. Through these media, you can better communicate with your audience and get to know him more fully and respond to his needs accordingly. According to the mentioned advantages, after determining your goals for marketing on this platform, you should achieve a systematic and systematic strategy for this type of marketing.

After completing all the steps and formulating your digital marketing strategy, you should be able to implement this strategy with the presence of an energetic, experienced and expert team and finally analyze the success and failure factors in it. If the strategy is profitable for you, you should be able to allocate more funds to it and expand it, and if its profitability is lower than expected, you should repeat all the steps from the beginning and modify or change parts of it. do. In this continuous process, it is not impossible to reach the best digital marketing strategy and the highest level of goals. So buckle up and start today.